libsigc++  2.10.8
Modules | Classes | Macros | Functions

Functors are copyable types that define operator()(). More...


 Slots are type-safe representations of callback methods and functions.
 mem_fun() Creates a functor from a pointer to a method.
 ptr_fun() is used to convert a pointer to a function to a functor.


class  sigc::can_deduce_result_type_with_decltype< T_functor >
 Helper class, to determine if decltype() can deduce the result type of a functor. More...
struct  sigc::functor_base
 A hint to the compiler. More...
struct  sigc::functor_trait< T_functor, I_derives_functor_base, I_can_use_decltype >
 Trait that specifies the return type of any type. More...
struct  sigc::visitor< T_functor >
 sigc::visitor<T_functor>::do_visit_each() performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor. More...


#define SIGC_FUNCTOR_TRAIT(T_functor, T_return)
 Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++. More...
 Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++. More...
 Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++. More...


template<class T_action , class T_functor >
void sigc::visit_each (const T_action & _A_action, const T_functor & _A_functor)
 This function performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor. More...
template<class T_type , class T_action , class T_functor >
void sigc::visit_each_type (const T_action & _A_action, const T_functor & _A_functor)
 This function performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor limited to a restricted type. More...

Detailed Description

Functors are copyable types that define operator()().

Types that define operator()() overloads with different return types are referred to as multi-type functors. Multi-type functors are only partially supported in libsigc++.

Closures are functors that store all information needed to invoke a callback from operator()().

Adaptors are functors that alter the signature of a functor's operator()().

libsigc++ defines numerous functors, closures and adaptors. Since libsigc++ is a callback library, most functors are also closures. The documentation doesn't distinguish between functors and closures.

The basic functor types libsigc++ provides are created with ptr_fun() and mem_fun() and can be converted into slots implicitly. The set of adaptors that ships with libsigc++ is documented in the Adaptors module.

If you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++, and you want them to be implicitly convertible into slots, libsigc++ must know the result type of your functors. There are different ways to achieve that.

If all these ways to deduce the result type fail, void is assumed.

With libsigc++ versions before 2.6, the macro SIGC_FUNCTORS_DEDUCE_RESULT_TYPE_WITH_DECLTYPE activated the test with decltype(). That macro is now unneccesary and deprecated.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SIGC_FUNCTOR_TRAIT (   T_functor,

Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++.

If you want to mix functors not derived from sigc::functor_base with libsigc++, and these functors don't define result_type, use this macro inside namespace sigc to expose the return type of the functors like so:

namespace sigc {
SIGC_FUNCTOR_TRAIT(first_functor_type, return_type_of_first_functor_type)
SIGC_FUNCTOR_TRAIT(second_functor_type, return_type_of_second_functor_type)
#define SIGC_FUNCTOR_TRAIT(T_functor, T_return)
Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++.
Definition: functor_trait.h:188
The libsigc++ namespace.
Definition: limit_reference.h:12



Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++.

If you want to mix functors not derived from sigc::functor_base with libsigc++, and your compiler can deduce the result type of the functor with the C++11 keyword decltype, use this macro inside namespace sigc like so:

namespace sigc {
Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++.
Definition: functor_trait.h:223

Functors with overloaded operator()() are not supported.

Since libsigc++ 2.2.11:
This macro does nothing. The test it activated in libsigc++ versions before 2.6, is now unconditionally activated.



Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++.

If you want to mix functors not derived from sigc::functor_base with libsigc++, and these functors define result_type, use this macro inside namespace sigc like so:

Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++.
Definition: functor_trait.h:165

Function Documentation

◆ visit_each()

template <class T_action , class T_functor >
void sigc::visit_each ( const T_action &  _A_action,
const T_functor &  _A_functor 

This function performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.

◆ visit_each_type()

template <class T_type , class T_action , class T_functor >
void sigc::visit_each_type ( const T_action &  _A_action,
const T_functor &  _A_functor 

This function performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor limited to a restricted type.