libsigc++  2.10.8
Classes | Functions
bind(), bind_return()

sigc::bind() alters an arbitrary functor by fixing arguments to certain values. More...


struct  sigc::bind_functor< I_location, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3, T_type4, T_type5, T_type6, T_type7 >
 Adaptor that binds an argument to the wrapped functor. More...
struct  sigc::bind_functor< 0, T_functor, T_bound, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil >
 Adaptor that binds an argument to the wrapped functor. More...
struct  sigc::bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil >
 Adaptor that binds 1 argument(s) to the wrapped functor. More...
struct  sigc::bind_return_functor< T_return, T_functor >
 Adaptor that fixes the return value of the wrapped functor. More...


template<int I_location, class T_bound1 , class T_functor >
bind_functor< I_location, T_functor, T_bound1 > sigc::bind (const T_functor & _A_func, T_bound1 _A_b1)
 Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which binds the passed argument to the passed functor. More...
template<class T_type1 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1 > sigc::bind (const T_functor & _A_func, T_type1 _A_b1)
 Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 1 argument(s) of the passed functor. More...
template<class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2 > sigc::bind (const T_functor & _A_func, T_type1 _A_b1, T_type2 _A_b2)
 Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 2 argument(s) of the passed functor. More...
template<class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3 > sigc::bind (const T_functor & _A_func, T_type1 _A_b1, T_type2 _A_b2, T_type3 _A_b3)
 Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 3 argument(s) of the passed functor. More...
template<class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_type4 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3, T_type4 > sigc::bind (const T_functor & _A_func, T_type1 _A_b1, T_type2 _A_b2, T_type3 _A_b3, T_type4 _A_b4)
 Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 4 argument(s) of the passed functor. More...
template<class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_type4 , class T_type5 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3, T_type4, T_type5 > sigc::bind (const T_functor & _A_func, T_type1 _A_b1, T_type2 _A_b2, T_type3 _A_b3, T_type4 _A_b4, T_type5 _A_b5)
 Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 5 argument(s) of the passed functor. More...
template<class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_type4 , class T_type5 , class T_type6 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3, T_type4, T_type5, T_type6 > sigc::bind (const T_functor & _A_func, T_type1 _A_b1, T_type2 _A_b2, T_type3 _A_b3, T_type4 _A_b4, T_type5 _A_b5, T_type6 _A_b6)
 Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 6 argument(s) of the passed functor. More...
template<class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_type4 , class T_type5 , class T_type6 , class T_type7 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3, T_type4, T_type5, T_type6, T_type7 > sigc::bind (const T_functor & _A_func, T_type1 _A_b1, T_type2 _A_b2, T_type3 _A_b3, T_type4 _A_b4, T_type5 _A_b5, T_type6 _A_b6, T_type7 _A_b7)
 Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 7 argument(s) of the passed functor. More...
template<class T_return , class T_functor >
bind_return_functor< T_return, T_functor > sigc::bind_return (const T_functor & _A_functor, T_return _A_ret_value)
 Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_return_functor which fixes the return value of the passed functor to the passed argument. More...

Detailed Description

sigc::bind() alters an arbitrary functor by fixing arguments to certain values.

Up to 7 arguments can be bound at a time. For single argument binding, overloads of sigc::bind() are provided that let you specify the zero-based position of the argument to fix with the first template parameter. (A value of -1 fixes the last argument so sigc::bind<-1>() gives the same result as sigc::bind().) The types of the arguments can optionally be specified if not deduced.

void foo(int, int, int);
// single argument binding ...
sigc::bind(&foo,1)(2,3); //fixes the last (third) argument and calls foo(2,3,1)
sigc::bind<-1>(&foo,1)(2,3); //same as bind(&foo,1)(2,3) (calls foo(2,3,1))
sigc::bind<0>(&foo,1)(2,3); //fixes the first argument and calls foo(1,2,3)
sigc::bind<1>(&foo,1)(2,3); //fixes the second argument and calls foo(2,1,3)
sigc::bind<2>(&foo,1)(2,3); //fixes the third argument and calls foo(2,3,1)
// multi argument binding ...
sigc::bind(&foo,1,2)(3); //fixes the last two arguments and calls foo(3,1,2)
sigc::bind(&foo,1,2,3)(); //fixes all three arguments and calls foo(1,2,3)
bind_functor< I_location, T_functor, T_bound1 > bind(const T_functor &_A_func, T_bound1 _A_b1)
Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which binds the passed argument to the passed functor.
Definition: bind.h:2114

The functor sigc::bind() returns can be passed into sigc::signal::connect() directly.

sigc::signal<void> some_signal;
void foo(int);
iterator connect(const slot_type &slot_)
Add a slot to the list of slots.
Definition: signal.h:3871
Convenience wrapper for the numbered sigc::signal# templates.
Definition: signal.h:4015

sigc::bind_return() alters an arbitrary functor by fixing its return value to a certain value.

void foo();
std::cout << sigc::bind_return(&foo, 5)(); // calls foo() and returns 5
ostream cout
bind_return_functor< T_return, T_functor > bind_return(const T_functor &_A_functor, T_return _A_ret_value)
Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_return_functor which fixes the return value of the passed funct...
Definition: bind_return.h:229

You can bind references to functors by passing the objects through the std::ref() or std::cref() functions.

int some_int;
sigc::signal<void> some_signal;
void foo(int&);
some_signal.connect(sigc::bind(&foo, std::ref(some_int)));

If you bind an object of a sigc::trackable derived type to a functor by reference, a slot assigned to the bind adaptor is cleared automatically when the object goes out of scope.

struct bar : public sigc::trackable {} some_bar;
sigc::signal<void> some_signal;
void foo(bar&);
some_signal.connect(sigc::bind(&foo, std::ref(some_bar)));
// disconnected automatically if some_bar goes out of scope
Base class for objects with auto-disconnection.
Definition: trackable.h:110

Function Documentation

◆ bind() [1/8]

template <int I_location, class T_bound1 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<I_location, T_functor, T_bound1> sigc::bind ( const T_functor &  _A_func,
T_bound1  _A_b1 

Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which binds the passed argument to the passed functor.

The optional template argument I_location specifies the zero-based position of the argument to be fixed (-1 stands for the last argument).

_A_funcFunctor that should be wrapped.
_A_b1Argument to bind to _A_func.
Adaptor that executes _A_func with the bound argument on invokation.

◆ bind() [2/8]

template <class T_type1 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1> sigc::bind ( const T_functor &  _A_func,
T_type1  _A_b1 

Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 1 argument(s) of the passed functor.

This function overload fixes the last 1 argument(s) of _A_func.

_A_funcFunctor that should be wrapped.
_A_b1Argument to bind to _A_func.
Adaptor that executes _A_func with the bound argument on invokation.

◆ bind() [3/8]

template <class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2> sigc::bind ( const T_functor &  _A_func,
T_type1  _A_b1,
T_type2  _A_b2 

Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 2 argument(s) of the passed functor.

This function overload fixes the last 2 argument(s) of _A_func.

_A_funcFunctor that should be wrapped.
_A_b1Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b2Argument to bind to _A_func.
Adaptor that executes _A_func with the bound argument on invokation.

◆ bind() [4/8]

template <class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3> sigc::bind ( const T_functor &  _A_func,
T_type1  _A_b1,
T_type2  _A_b2,
T_type3  _A_b3 

Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 3 argument(s) of the passed functor.

This function overload fixes the last 3 argument(s) of _A_func.

_A_funcFunctor that should be wrapped.
_A_b1Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b2Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b3Argument to bind to _A_func.
Adaptor that executes _A_func with the bound argument on invokation.

◆ bind() [5/8]

template <class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_type4 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3, T_type4> sigc::bind ( const T_functor &  _A_func,
T_type1  _A_b1,
T_type2  _A_b2,
T_type3  _A_b3,
T_type4  _A_b4 

Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 4 argument(s) of the passed functor.

This function overload fixes the last 4 argument(s) of _A_func.

_A_funcFunctor that should be wrapped.
_A_b1Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b2Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b3Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b4Argument to bind to _A_func.
Adaptor that executes _A_func with the bound argument on invokation.

◆ bind() [6/8]

template <class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_type4 , class T_type5 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3, T_type4, T_type5> sigc::bind ( const T_functor &  _A_func,
T_type1  _A_b1,
T_type2  _A_b2,
T_type3  _A_b3,
T_type4  _A_b4,
T_type5  _A_b5 

Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 5 argument(s) of the passed functor.

This function overload fixes the last 5 argument(s) of _A_func.

_A_funcFunctor that should be wrapped.
_A_b1Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b2Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b3Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b4Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b5Argument to bind to _A_func.
Adaptor that executes _A_func with the bound argument on invokation.

◆ bind() [7/8]

template <class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_type4 , class T_type5 , class T_type6 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3, T_type4, T_type5, T_type6> sigc::bind ( const T_functor &  _A_func,
T_type1  _A_b1,
T_type2  _A_b2,
T_type3  _A_b3,
T_type4  _A_b4,
T_type5  _A_b5,
T_type6  _A_b6 

Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 6 argument(s) of the passed functor.

This function overload fixes the last 6 argument(s) of _A_func.

_A_funcFunctor that should be wrapped.
_A_b1Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b2Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b3Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b4Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b5Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b6Argument to bind to _A_func.
Adaptor that executes _A_func with the bound argument on invokation.

◆ bind() [8/8]

template <class T_type1 , class T_type2 , class T_type3 , class T_type4 , class T_type5 , class T_type6 , class T_type7 , class T_functor >
bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type1, T_type2, T_type3, T_type4, T_type5, T_type6, T_type7> sigc::bind ( const T_functor &  _A_func,
T_type1  _A_b1,
T_type2  _A_b2,
T_type3  _A_b3,
T_type4  _A_b4,
T_type5  _A_b5,
T_type6  _A_b6,
T_type7  _A_b7 

Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last 7 argument(s) of the passed functor.

This function overload fixes the last 7 argument(s) of _A_func.

_A_funcFunctor that should be wrapped.
_A_b1Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b2Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b3Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b4Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b5Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b6Argument to bind to _A_func.
_A_b7Argument to bind to _A_func.
Adaptor that executes _A_func with the bound argument on invokation.

◆ bind_return()

template <class T_return , class T_functor >
bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor> sigc::bind_return ( const T_functor &  _A_functor,
T_return  _A_ret_value 

Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_return_functor which fixes the return value of the passed functor to the passed argument.

_A_functorFunctor that should be wrapped.
_A_ret_valueArgument to fix the return value of _A_functor to.
Adaptor that executes _A_functor on invokation and returns _A_ret_value.