libsigc++  2.10.8
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sigc::slot0< T_return > Class Template Reference

Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque. More...

#include <sigc++/functors/slot.h>

Inheritance diagram for sigc::slot0< T_return >:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef T_return result_type
- Public Types inherited from sigc::slot_base
typedef trackable::func_destroy_notify func_destroy_notify

Public Member Functions

 slot0 ()
 slot0 (const slot0 & src)
 Constructs a slot, copying an existing one. More...
template<class T_functor >
 slot0 (const T_functor & _A_func)
 Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor. More...
 slot0 (slot0 && src)
 Constructs a slot, moving an existing one. More...
T_return operator() () const
 Invoke the contained functor unless slot is in blocking state. More...
slot0operator= (const slot0 & src)
 Overrides this slot, making a copy from another slot. More...
slot0operator= (slot0 && src)
 Overrides this slot, making a move from another slot. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sigc::slot_base
 slot_base () noexcept
 Constructs an empty slot. More...
 slot_base (const slot_base & src)
 Constructs a slot, copying an existing one. More...
 slot_base (rep_type * rep) noexcept
 Constructs a slot from an existing slot_rep object. More...
 slot_base (slot_base && src)
 Constructs a slot, moving an existing one. More...
 ~slot_base ()
void add_destroy_notify_callback (void *data, func_destroy_notify func) const
 Add a callback that is executed (notified) when the slot is detroyed. More...
bool block (bool should_block=true) noexcept
 Sets the blocking state. More...
bool blocked () const noexcept
 Returns whether the slot is blocked. More...
void disconnect ()
 Disconnects the slot. More...
bool empty () const noexcept
 Returns whether the slot is invalid. More...
 operator bool () const noexcept
 Tests whether a slot is null, because the default constructor was used. More...
slot_baseoperator= (const slot_base & src)
 Overrides this slot, making a copy from another slot. More...
slot_baseoperator= (slot_base && src)
 Overrides this slot, making a move from another slot. More...
void remove_destroy_notify_callback (void *data) const
 Remove a callback previously installed with add_destroy_notify_callback(). More...
void set_parent (void * parent, void *(* cleanup)(void *)) const noexcept
 Sets the parent of this slot. More...
bool unblock () noexcept
 Unsets the blocking state. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from sigc::slot_base
bool blocked_
 Indicates whether the slot is blocked. More...
rep_type * rep_
 Typed slot_rep object that contains a functor. More...

Detailed Description

template<class T_return>
class sigc::slot0< T_return >

Converts an arbitrary functor to a unified type which is opaque.

sigc::slot itself is a functor or to be more precise a closure. It contains a single, arbitrary functor (or closure) that is executed in operator()().

The template arguments determine the function signature of operator()():

To use simply assign the desired functor to the slot. If the functor is not compatible with the parameter list defined with the template arguments compiler errors are triggered. When called the slot will invoke the functor with minimal copies. block() and unblock() can be used to block the functor's invocation from operator()() temporarily.

You should use the more convenient unnumbered sigc::slot template.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ result_type

template <class T_return >
typedef T_return sigc::slot0< T_return >::result_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ slot0() [1/4]

template <class T_return >
sigc::slot0< T_return >::slot0 ( )

◆ slot0() [2/4]

template <class T_return >
template <class T_functor >
sigc::slot0< T_return >::slot0 ( const T_functor &  _A_func)

Constructs a slot from an arbitrary functor.

_A_funcThe desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.

◆ slot0() [3/4]

template <class T_return >
sigc::slot0< T_return >::slot0 ( const slot0< T_return > &  src)

Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.

srcThe existing slot to copy.

◆ slot0() [4/4]

template <class T_return >
sigc::slot0< T_return >::slot0 ( slot0< T_return > &&  src)

Constructs a slot, moving an existing one.

If src is connected to a parent (e.g. a signal), it is copied, not moved.

srcThe existing slot to move or copy.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator()()

template <class T_return >
T_return sigc::slot0< T_return >::operator() ( ) const

Invoke the contained functor unless slot is in blocking state.

The return value of the functor invocation.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template <class T_return >
slot0& sigc::slot0< T_return >::operator= ( const slot0< T_return > &  src)

Overrides this slot, making a copy from another slot.

srcThe slot from which to make a copy.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template <class T_return >
slot0& sigc::slot0< T_return >::operator= ( slot0< T_return > &&  src)

Overrides this slot, making a move from another slot.

If src is connected to a parent (e.g. a signal), it is copied, not moved.

srcThe slot from which to move or copy.