Signal System Comparison: Qt (tm) vs Libsigc++


This comparison is by no means a fair fight. Libsigc++ can't possibly lose and will defeat Qt soundly. First of all, Qt and Libsigc++ have different design goals and thus the things measured to show the features of Libsigc++, may not be considerations for Qt. a excellent widget set and a program framework while libsigc++ is nothing more that a small component. Speed of signal/slot operations is not a very big consideration in most GUI code. Further, Qt was written several years ago, while I still have cuts in my fingers from feeling the bleeding edge. I am controlling the conditions of the tests, and thus when I find a failing in libsigc++ during the testing, I get to go back and fix it. On the other hand, TrollTech is concerned with binary compatiblity with old versions. Further, libsigc++ is a template library meaning all the code is specialized for each usage. On the other hand, Qt is a generalist using strings to store all signal information. This is flexible but slower.

That said there is a basis for comparison. Both libsigc++ and Qt provide similar functionality with their signal/slot system. They both are C++ libraries which run under both windows and Unix. Both originated from widget sets and both have flexiblity and ease of use a key factors. Qt version 1.42 was used and Libsigc++ modified from version 0.8.0.

(Note that I have been in contact with Arnt Gulbrandsen of Troll Tech AS. He has discovered a problem in the Qt system than resulted in excessive time in the emit functions. He indicates that it should be fixed for Qt 2.0 which will improve their performance.)

String based verse Templates

There is a significant differences between the architectures of Libsigc++ and Qt signal system. Libsigc++ is a template based while Qt is string based.

String based signal systems have a number of advantages and disadvantages over template based. It is simpler to implement, so it should in general win in size and compile speed compared to the bloat of templates. As they don't need anything but basic C++ features, such systems are more portable accross systems. Any signal you want can be declared, including new signals at runtime. (Although Qt doesn't take advantage of this.) This is also a disadvantage for the approach as the compiler does not check the typesafty of connections until they are called at runtime. Some basic checking may be done, but in general it is minimal. Often this approach requires a preprocessor to hide the string nature and do such checking.

Template based on the other hand is entirely different beast. Everything is compiled in to the binary including the connections forming agents. This is a huge advantage that whatever compiles, runs. Beter still no precompiler was needed, as the whole system can be build using C++ notation. All typechecking is done at compile time by the compiler, thus no checking needs to be performed during the runtime operations. Faster running does come a price. All the templates generate code which will appear in the binary. Therefore great pains in the design of a template library are taken to hold this to a minumum. Further, the template capablities of different compilers vary wildly, so portablity is hard to achieve. These are not insurmountable though, as libsigc++ has excellent portablity and size.

Table of Features

The following features are relevant when comparing Qt signal/slot system and Libsigc++.
Feature Qt Libsigc++
Requires no special compiler steps No Yes
Protected Signals Yes Yes
Public Signals No Yes
Any function can be slot No Yes
Void returns Yes Yes
Non-void returns No Yes
Reference returns No No
Any type in argument list No Yes
Signals in global scope No Yes
Signals in class scope Yes Yes
Signals in other scopes No Yes
Bindable arguments No Yes
Argument type conversion No Yes
Return type conversion No Yes
Namespace support No Yes
Signal Cost (bytes) 0 4

Feature Details

Preprocessors and such generally indicate a lack of faith in the compiler and add an extra step in compilation. Qt does this because of its support for early compilers with poor template support. At this time, such things aren't generally required.

Public and protected refer to the access of a signal in a class. Qt can only emit from inside the owning class. Libsigc++ signals are normal objects and thus can be private, protected or public.

Void and non-void returns refer to what type a signal may return from emit. Qt only supports void returns. Libsigc++ supports return types of most kinds including building lists of return values. However, pass by reference still has a few bugs.

There can be some restriction on the number and type of arguments a signal can take. Qt does not support templates or function pointers in argument lists. This can be gotten arround with careful typedefs. This is a result of the moc preprocessor.

Signal declarations may have restrictions in the location of declaration. Libsigc++ signals can be declared anywhere including within templates and nested classes. This a big plus.

Libsigc++ supplies a set of adaptors for altering the types of slots including binding arguments and converting types. This is a feature that grew out of necessity of the gtkmm project needing to take something from a C type to a C++ type. It can be very useful.

Size of signals is the one place where Qt is a clear winner. Zero is a very attractive cost. The same effect can be achieved using libsigc++ with a specialized signal and a map. However, this arrangement would be slower. This functionality is scheduled to be added to libsigc++.

Speed benchmarks

To measure the speed of both systems, an emit was placed in a tight loop. The emit called a trivial function. The benchmark speed was taken to be the total elapsed time as measured by unix "time" minus time for the same program to run calling directly divided by the number of calls. Iterations were chosen to ensure the system ran for at least 20 seconds. Both were dynamically linked, stripped, and fully optimized (-03). Dynamic linked was tested to have insignificant effects. The benchmarking machine was a sluggish 133Mhz 586.

The number of slots was varied to determine how much of the cost is per emit and how much is per slot attached.

Libsigc++ could be run with either thread safe marshalling of the return value, skipping the return value or marshalling in a non-thread safe manner. The closest comparison between Qt and libsigc++ is to skip the return value, because Qt has no support for return types.

libsigc++ without marshal
iterations: 2^26

      0 base  0 emit  1 base  1 emit  2 base  2 emit
      1.023   10.58   2.03    32.717  2.533   56.237

O penalty:   140ns
1 penalty:   460ns
2 penalty:   800ns

Emit cost:   140ns
Slot cost:   330ns

libsigc++ with marshal
iterations: 2^24

      0 base  0 emit  1 base  1 emit  2 base  2 emit
      0.27    2.93    0.52    24.04   0.65    45.48

0 penalty:   160ns
1 penalty:  1400ns
2 penalty:  2670ns

Emit cost:   160ns
Slot cost:  1260ns

iterations: 2^21  (0 done a 2^24 for better resolution)

      0 base  0 emit  1 base  1 emit  2 base  2 emit
      0.37     5.28   0.18    32.34   0.20    34.25
      0.37    31.82

0 penalty:  1870ns (295ns shortcut)
1 penalty: 15300ns
2 penalty: 16200ns

Emit cost: 1800ns-15300ns 
  (varies with number of signals/slot attached.)
Slot cost:   900ns

Because Qt shares a data structure for all signal lists, the times for an emit are hard to calculate. In general the more signals connected the longer it took to find the data needed to emit the slot, increasing the emit cost. As very small numbers of connects were tested, it is not clear how high this cost can go. (Libsigc++ is more direct in approach, so one can calculate purely by multiplying up the frequencies by the costs.)

Qt does a short cut for emitting signals when no connections have been established yet which gives a massive speed up to emit time. However, as the general case will have at least one signal connected somewhere in the object, this is not representative. If there is at least one slot connected to the signal, a 15ms time delay is paid. This would be a good area in Qt for improvement.

In a direct comparison, libsigc++ is 30 times faster for emiting one connected signal. Thread safe marshalling of the return values increase emit penalty by 3, which still is a order of magnitude faster that Qt for emitting a signal with one slot. The per slot cost of without marshalling of return values is only 3 times slowing in Qt then libsigc++, and comparable with the marshaller. However, the initial startup cost dominates over all others. So as far as speed is concerned, libsigc++ is clearly better.

Binary size

To show that libsigc++ is not taking advantage of its templates to specialize every detail at the cost of a huge binary, the size of the benchmarking programs was compared. Both were striped and dynamically linked.
Libsigc++:  5456 bytes
Qt:         6020 bytes
The binary sizes are comparable with a slight edge to libsigc++. As the programs are very small, it should not be assumed that this trend holds as number of signals increases.

Compile time

Another major concern with Libsigc++ is that its hundreds of templates are likely going to take most compilers to its knees. This is a very valid concern. So I measured the time of compiling the benchmark programs
Libsigc++: 0:02.62
Qt:        0:03.09
Again, there is a slight edge to Libsigc++. This at least means that libsigc++ is not completely out of the ballpark at slow compiles. Again one should not assume this holds for very large programs.

Final Analysis

As expected libsigc++ beat Qt's signal system hands down. It was an order of magnitude faster with no significant cost to binary size and compile time. It is slightly larger on the size of objects which may be a concern if hundreds of signals are used. An excellent start for a free library!


tm - Qt is a trademark of Troll Tech As of Norway.